06 May Read now our newest report: State of play and good practices in BIOHealth!

State of play and good practices in BIOHealth: a review of Italian, Portuguese and Spanish cases
The need for more sustainable societies has triggered the demand for the BIOHEALTH sector requiring closer and stronger relationships between Academia (Higher Education Institutions) and Business/Industry, in both ways commercially and educationally. Market requires multidisciplinary human resources, with technical but more importantly t-skills and entrepreneurial mind-sets that allow them to respond to the fast pacing technological and societal demands and explore the innovative potential of the BIOHEALTH sector.
Carrying out with the development of our BIO-ALL project, and to achieve its core objective, which is to strengthen the higher education system to meet the needs of entrepreneurs in the bio-health sector, we need to undertake preparatory measures that will provide a solid backbone and useful guidelines for further activities.
To get it, we need to create a BIOHEALTH roadmap developed together with key actors and end-users that, based on an exhaustive mapping of the current landscapes, trends and lessons learned (state-of-play and good practices) will present possible evolution scenarios, related strategies and actions and provide recommendations for a brighter future of University-Business Cooperation and entrepreneurial and innovative processes within the sector.
To collect these good practices identified in the European partners’ countries (Italy, Portugal and Spain), to benchmark and showcase international good practices, a survey was elaborated (D 1.2) and 60 interviews/questionnaires were carried out in the 3 countries to interlocutors belonging to the following sectors: academia, incubators/accelerators and bio-health businesses. The information obtained stemmed from the analysis of data collected in Italy, Portugal and Spain to produce a report covering 30 good practices.
Moreover, it is our target to encourage and support further engagement of key actors in collaborative actions, as well as to integrate lessons learned in current practices, fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in the BIOHEALTH sector.
Read the report below!