25 Jan The second trimester of the BIO-ALL Post-Graduation has started!

Marching in the new year with enthusiasm and professionalism!
The BIO-ALL Joint Post-Graduation programme that was launched on the 15th of October 2020, is proceeding with great success into strengthening the future entrepreneurs of the BIOHEALTH sector! It is being implemented in 3 countries simultaneously, and a few words from the directors in each country below transfer in the best way the enthusiasm and success of this BIO-ALL output:
Portugal: In face of my personnel experience as co-director of The International Joint Post-Graduation course on “Advanced Skills for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the BIOHEALTH Sector”, which was launched in last October 15th, 2020, and as the instructor of the subject of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, I want to stress the extraordinary motivation and interest revealed by the entrepreneurial and innovative students engaged in the design and presentation of business ideas pitches and business plans. The enthusiasm and proactiveness of the international students’ community of this post-graduation recently created, has simply impressed me, in a very positive way. Many thanks for having the opportunity to teach and learn with you all and for creating a long-living relational network!
Spain: “At University of Granada, the first trimester of the postgraduation has been implemented as a posgraduate diploma of BioHealth Business creation. Our ten students were very active in all sessions, attending and participating in the discussion. It has been very impressive for them to meet (virtually) face to face with real entrepreneurs, that shared in a friendly atmosphere the initial phases of their companies. The postgraduation is fulfiling the expectations from the biohealth sector ecosystem, and the second trimester has started plenty of energy and innovative ideas.”
Italy: The International Joint Post-Graduation course on “Advanced Skills for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the BIOHEALTH Sector” has been launched on October 15th, 2020. Although our university (Polytechnic University of Marche – UNIVPM) was not directly involved in the teachings of the first trimester, the general feeling was of an enthusiasm shared horizontally in all three countries involved: Portugal, Spain and Italy. Next trimester will see UNIVPM as the protagonist in the context of module 8 “Human Resources and Team Management”: frontal lessons will be accompanied by the presentation of company case studies, in order to provide a valid training to all learners.
Now, already in the third trimester, a bright future for University and Business cooperation is being paved, and the students are one of the keys to the success!
You can find out more about the post-graduation in the project results page: http://bioall.eu/results/