21 Dec A 3 years journey is closing, a bright future of expectations is opening!

A 3 years journey is closing, a bright future of expectations is opening!
The bio-health sector is currently undergoing one of its greatest challenges, since COVID-19 spread across the planet. The world’s attention focused on the responses that the biohealth sector could find, but such focus is older than the pandemics as the BIO-ALL project was funded as a response to the huge need of creating instruments to develop entrepreneurial skills in the field and in the South of Europe, that are not effectively structured and implanted into the education curricula offered by schools and universities, although they are especially needed in sectors where entrepreneurs and businesses find more obstacles/regulations to accelerate commercialization, like the Biotech and health-related industries.
BIO-ALL mission is to boost Bio-health entrepreneurship and innovation through the design, testing and delivery of a customized International Joint Post-Graduation, a disruptive and innovative International Joint acceleration program and a virtual Hub suitable for an online supportive network for BIOHEALTH entrepreneurs and innovators.
BIO-ALL is not just one more project, it is a cooperative mind-set and network that embraces a challenging chart of commitments that goes beyond the 3-years of activities.
Partners have created, nurtured and extended a BIOHEALTH international alliance, that will maintain the innovative and complex concept and approach adopted for the project framework: Academia, Business and Investors/Accelerators working together to support and boost entrepreneurial and innovation processes in the BIOHEALTH sector.