16 Apr Save the date: The BIO-ALL Hackathon on the 27-28 May!

Creativity meets entrepreneurship, in a Hackathon that will boost innovative solutions in biohealth and pandemics! ?
The BIO-ALL HACKATHON, is aimed at exploring creative solutions and generating project ideas in response to given challenges in the areas of Bio-health & Pandemics.
It will involve multiskilled international working groups, promoting innovative entrepreneurship stemming from university students, thus reinforcing the competence and knowledge in the BIOHEALTH Sector of participants enrolled in the Post-Graduation.
Participants will have the opportunity to work together with business leaders and mentors for the transformation and development of the proposed solutions into project concepts, and being a Hackathon there will also be prizes for the winning solutions (to be announced soon!)
Moreover, the BIO-ALL HACKATHON embraces United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and European Green Deal, which are the main regulatory and policy instruments for sustainable development: for this reason, each solution proposed by teams should address at least two Sustainable Development Goals!
This HACKATHON is addressed to:
- university students coming from Universida de Beira Interior (PT), Universidad de Granada (ES) and UniversitàPolitecnica delle Marche (IT)
- students enrolled in the International Post-Graduation Programme “Advanced Skills for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the BIOHEALTH Sector”
- other university students from Portugal, Spain and Italy
Teams will participate formed by 2 to 6 people, with at least one team members enrolled in one of the partners Universities (Universida do Beira Interior, Universidad de Granada, Università politecnica delle Marche).
⬇ Check the CHALLENGES topics below! ⬇
1.1 Lifelong personalised/precision medicine/therapeutics
1.2 Lifelong health and well-being for all
1.3 IT & Digital Healthcare/E-Health
1.4 Healthcare 5.0
1.5 BioCircularity
1.6 Climate change effects
2.1 Healthcare systems
2.2 ICT & Pandemics
2.3 Food security/safety during the Pandemics
2.4 Smart prevention and controlling solutions
2.5 Central nervous system and pandemics
2.6 Mental illness and pandemics
You can leave us your email below, and we will make sure to update you with the most recent news for the BIO-ALL HACKATHON!
The BIO-ALL HACKATHON is promoted within the EU funded Project Bio-All and organized by the three Bio-All Project university partners, namely Universida de Beira Interior (PT), Universidad de Granada (ES) and Università Politecnica delle Marche (IT) with the support of Friuli Innovazione business incubator, INOVA+, CubeLabs Accelerator and INBB.